What We Advise On

Aging Problems

The kind of chronic problems faced by older people are all caused by the same factors that have been listed elsewhere in this website:

  • toxicity
  • parasitic and opportunistic infections
  • excess exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields
  • ruinous diet and food choices
  • unhealthy lifestyle habits and addictions
  • medically induced / Iatrogenic problems
  • loss of organ capacity
  • emotional, mental, and spiritual imbalances

It matters not what disease labels someone carries (osteoporosis, cardio-vascular disease, cancer, Alzheimers, etc); they are all caused by a combination of these factors. It is not a question of how many years you have lived but of how discerning your choices have been in respect of these factors.

Much is spoken about in respect of genetic susceptibility, but the truth is that even those most “susceptible” to a specific disease can protect themselves to a large degree against presenting that disease by truly leading a healthy life.

However once the downward spiral or vicious circle of poor choices and weakened vitality sets in, it brings with it symptoms which are then treated with drugs which weaken the capacity of the overall system to respond to the pathogenic factors the body faces. The side effects then become part of the disease picture and so they become part of the constellation of causes that perpetuate and deepen the pathology.

This is why it more difficult to treat an old person than a young person. The former has accumulated a lifetime of toxicity, suffers under the toll the drugs have taken on a daily basis, and any attempt to interrupt this vicious circle threatens the possibility of unwanted reactions.

These reactions are due to the body “waking up” and raising its vitality to deal with the problem. However the problem at this stage is very deep and there are impediments to healing (e.g.: layers of toxicity and resistant infections) which “fight back” or block the healing. The result takes the form of a healing crisis (pain, discomfort, old, buried symptoms returning, etc).

This does not sound promising but in the hands of a skilled practitioner the reactions do not have to be severe and certainly not life-threatening. Obviously no one is advocating that drugs which are currently critical to keeping certain vital parameters in the “correct” value range (e.g.: blood pressure medication) should be dramatically stopped.

However in a situation where someone’s vitality is returning and his or her body is now more able to regulate itself, there should be no reason that medication might be tapered off over time and of course under appropriate medical supervision.

Old age does not necessarily mean a limited lifestyle or chronic pain or deformity. It can be a time when if the body has been kept in good shape, the person has the chance to enjoy that good health more than ever before.

The important thing to remember is that disease causing factors can be removed and healing then does occur naturally. The body heals itself even in old age (although admittedly not quite as well as in youth).

Yes, it requires courage to look beyond the standard medical answers and perhaps faith to weather a few (hopefully mild) healing crises in the unlikely event that they should arise. The alternative is a life of increasing sickness and more and more medication to suppress the symptoms, many of which caused by those same pills.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!



What we can say about autism is that it not primarily a genetic disorder. Our genes simply could not develop such a sudden vulnerability in the space of a generation or two. Therefore it must be environmental and so we should go looking for the causes in the factors that have been already listed.

Autism is one extreme of a range of mental and neurological problems that beset our children and the labels are well known: ADHD, ADD, hyperactivity, increased agressivity, etc. The fact is that currently each generation is born more and more compromised than the previous one. In this writer’s opinion the following factors are of most importance:

  • lack of overall vitality due to poor health of previous generations (i.e.: parents & grandparents) which affects 100% of children but some are worse off than others
  • a compromised gut which is less able to deliver nutrients and leakier to food born toxins
  • a compromised blood brain barrier which has not had the opportunity to form properly
  • brain toxicity (including but not limited to heavy metals, pesticides, vaccine adjuvents)
  • the side-effects of inappropriate vaccination

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!



Cancer is too big a subject to even attempt to address here. However exactly the same disease causing factors are behind this as all other diseases. I invite you to read this article which explains more about some of the current thinking behind what cancer is and why it occurs.


Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!



There are two types : type 1 which is auto-immune and type 2 which is simply due to an extended period of over exposure to excess blood sugar. Type 1 is the most serious but there are strategies in dealing with both. The assumption that the diseases are irreversible is not strictly true (although admittedly type 1 is a bigger problem than type 2 especially if the latter can be caught in the early stages).

So there two strategies here:

  1. firstly to see whether it can be reversed or at least have the progress halted
  2. secondly to anticipate and deal with the likely side effects of the disease (neuropathy etc..)

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!



Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!


Eye Problems

The biggest factor in eye problems is the quality of the blood. Poor quality blood means that the eyes become particularly vulnerable to deterioration because on the one hand they are simply not getting the nutrients they need and on the other hand the toxins are building up inside and around the cells. Once again there are therapies and strategies to halt or even reverse serious problems such as AMD.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!



High Blood Pressure

I am excluding here secondary hypertension which can be traced to a specific cause such as kidney related dysfunction. Officially the causes of primary hypertension are not really known. Ageing is given as the most verifiable “cause”. Ageing in and of itself has nothing to do with hypertension except that any imbalances or problems that cause hypertension generally get worse with time if they are not properly addressed. In fact many over-65s are targeted for a drug to lower their blood pressure but researchers have discovered that it naturally falls as we get older. This may be due to reduced capacity of the adrenals to maintain blood pressure.

Most likely the key cause of hypertension lies in the thin layer of tissue in blood vessel walls directly in contact with the blood – the endothelium. With every compression beat of the heart a signal is sent out to the arteries and arterioles that they need to anticipate an oncoming in-rush of blood. They do this by signalling the blood vessel smooth muscles to relax which in turn causes the lumen to expand thus increasing the blood vessel space and this lets the blood flow with the minimum of resistance. The less resistance, the lower the pressure needed to make the blood flow. Once this signalling process is compromised then hypertension will result.

Those doctors who have treated hypertension successfully without the use of drugs have suggested a number of causes for hypertension and often more than one of these conditions is present in any particular patient:

  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • Lack of vitamin D
  • Insulin resistance

Food sensitivities and improper balance of electrolyte minerals are another two factors which may be at play.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Immune Problems

Reduced immunity, auto-immunity, and allergic reactions have been discussed under conditions which we treat. No physiological system works in isolation and in particular the endocrine and digestive systems play a key role in regulating and optimizing immunity. A healthy gut and a robust and balanced endocrine system are almost a guarantee of strong, balanced immunity. Key to immune tolerance is appropriate environmental exposure to beneficial bacteria.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!



Insulin Resistance

Prior to developing diabetes type 2, there is pre-diabetic condition known as insulin resistance. This condition can be in place years and decades before diabetes finally occurs. Basically the chronic over consumption of sugar and starches means that the blood is being confronted with a tsunami of blood sugar with every meal.

This on-rush of sugar needs to be constantly cleared by insulin. As a result far too much insulin is released and our own cells become resistant to the effects of this hormone. This just makes the situation worse as the pancreas pumps out more insulin to do the same job.

After the years of this vicious cycle pancreatic exhaustion sets in and full-blown diabetes occurs. If we look at the fact that more than 50% of over 50’s are either over-weight or obese then we can conservatively assume that at least 40% of the population become insulin resistant at some stage in their lives. I believe the true figure is more like two thirds. No doubt some are genetically more susceptible than others but to describe diabetes as a genetic problem is to misunderstand the disease and how it develops.

The important thing about insulin resistance is that it is a precursor to diabetes and so it is important to test for it and prevent it from developing should this state be detected. Simple food and lifestyle changes are all that’s needed at this stage.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Mens Problems


  • Erectile Dysfunction,
  • Loss of libido,
  • Premature Ejaculation,
  • Prostate Problems

The majority of these complaints can be split these into

  • Problems in sexual function (erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, loss of libido), and
  • Prostate problems (prostatitis, benign prostate hyperplasia, prostate cancer)

Sexual problems almost always have a strong emotional and mental component so any treatment plan has to encompass the entire body/mind/spirit continuum. It is understandable that men find it embarrassing and do not wish to come forward for help. This is a real pity because like all problems the sooner they are identified the more likely they can be resolved.

Prostate problems have strong toxicity and hormonal components. It is important to catch these early but I would not be a strong advocate of screening PSA every year.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!


Mental Well-Being

A factor often overlooked (simply because it can’t be measured or treated conventionally) is toxicity in the brain. Problems which present purely emotionally can be resolved through accurate detoxification. See this related article and tips on physical well-being for more information.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!



This chronic condition is a classic case of systemic breakdown. The building and maintenance of bone requires a delicate and intelligent cooperation between the endocrine system delivering appropriate hormones, bone building cells, and the digestive system which must make the appropriate nutrients available. With aging these systems begin the break down and thus the quality of bone suffers. If the focus is then on one factor or nutrient then the problem can never be really solved because osteoporosis occurs as a result of deficits in the general function of the body and these need to be addressed together.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Physical Well-Being

Long term health is a continual, daily practice of many small actions and good habits. These can be learnt and practiced. A good medical practitioner should be able to teach them. We have touched upon them before but to recap:

  • detox carefully and safely especially the key toxins (e.g.: heavy metals, pesticides)
  • build a strong body with nutrient-dense nutrition
  • exercise appropriately for your current condition and vitality
  • be discerning regarding your exposure to electromagnetic fields
  • pay attention to any infection agents especially chronic ones and investigate any internal or home environment conditions which sustain them
  • avoid as much as humanly possible drugs of any kind (medical or recreational)
  • lead an active social life
  • engage your life with a higher purpose

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!


Ideally pregnancy should be well planned in advance so that from the moment of conception the growing foetus has the ideal environment to grow and prosper and be born a healthy and happy baby. Nutrition before and during pregnancy is dealt with in this article.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Thyroid Problems

Basically there are two types of problems here: underactive thyroid (organ insufficiency) and overactive thyroid (mostly auto-immune in origin). Underactive or hypothyroid is a risk factor behind a number of other frequently occurring diseases such as cardio-vascular disease.

There are many (mostly naturopathic) doctors in the world who treat the symptoms of hypothyroid without the need for blood tests to conform to the accepted standard for hypothyroid diagnosis. The treatments could be hormonal or glandular and these have shown to relieve the usual symptoms of hypothyroidism (e.g.: fatigue, difficulty in losing excess weight, dry skin).

Another factor to take into account would be how well are the cells responding to the level of thyroid hormones presented at the cell membranes or also how well the “vitality raising” information they bring is translated into biochemical action inside the cells.

Once again the culprit behind these problems would be intra-cellular toxicity. Simply raising the level of hormones is then somewhat akin to taking exogenous insulin in the case of diabetics. It does not address the real problem.

It is important not to forget that the thyroid works hand in hand with the adrenals and it is unusual for one to be exhausted or deficient without the other suffering the same fate as well.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!