What We Treat

We treat people who are diagnosed with a wide variety of diseases. These labels often say little or nothing about the root causes of the diseases which result from the fact that we are surrounded by the pernicious influences, impoverished foods, and toxic environment of modern life. So we don’t focus on the labels we focus on treating the causes of disease and in re-balancing the body through not only our treatments but our lifestyle advice. Our patients are the kind of people who have decided to take their health into their own hands.


The label, allergies, covers a wide range of unwanted immune reactions to food and environmental elements (manmade or natural). Reactions can be life threatening, histamine perpetuated reactions at the extreme end of the scale to lower level, immunoglobulin (iGA, etc..) food intolerances at the other end.

It’s important to remember that all pathogenic influences are cumulative so reducing one or two environmental components that support the conditions that foster the disease may be enough to rebalance the immune system. Treatment options include:

  • repairing the gastro-intestinal tract

  • modulating the immune system to tone down its reactivity

  • identifying the specific antigens and working to increase tolerance through careful, low dose exposure.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!


This common condition affects mostly (but not exclusively) teenage women. Clearly mental, emotional and spiritual imbalances play a critical role but treating other lifestyle factors such as diet can also help to treat this serious problem.


The word arthritis literally means “pain in the joints” which accurately describes the main symptom but suggests nothing about the causes. In all cases of arthritis there is some unwanted immune system involvement (either inflammation or outright auto-immunity). The reactions don’t come from nowhere. There is never smoke without fire. In this case the primary causative factors are the combined presence of toxins and infectious agents affecting the joints and the immune system itself.

Treatment options include:

  • repairing (ie: heal and seal) the gastro-intestinal tract

  • modulating the immune system to tone down its reactivity

  • identifying the specific infectious or toxic agents which have set up the cascade of inflammation and/or auto-immunity

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!



Asthma is another case of the immune system signalling causing the bronchi and bronchioles (ie: the airways that feed the lungs) to close down when they should remain open. This unwanted closing down on the exhale can be traced to a specific allergen or it can be simply due to excess toxicity and the opportunistic colonisation of infectious agents such as candida. Either way the treatment options are not dissimilar from allergies:

  • repairing (ie: heal and seal) the gastro-intestinal tract

  • modulating the immune system to tone down its reactivity

  • identifying the specific infectious or toxic agents which have set up the cascade of inflammation and/or auto-immunity.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Chest & Lung Problems

If we exclude cardio-vascular, then we are left with chronic conditions such bronchitis, emphysema or life threatening acute diseases such as pneumonia. An inherently healthy lung could never exhibit these problems and that’s why they tend to affect older people. Aging does not have to leave organs such as the lungs weak and vulnerable. It is only when chronic exposure to toxins (smoking, city and factory pollution, toxic particulate matter and specific toxins) does the damage occur, accumulating over time.

How reversible the condition is depends on how much tissue has been destroyed. However you should never despair. The body in its infinite wisdom has an infinite capacity to repair and regenerate itself. Treatment options that suggest themselves:

  • address any lifestyle exposures directly related to the problem

  • addressing the key toxins and related infections that may be diminishing the overall health of the body and/or the lungs specifically

  • building the vitality of the body back by focusing on the those organs of most importance

Traditional Chinese Medicine in its infinite wisdom has identified lung problems with grief and if there is evidence of this in someone’s life and they are experiencing any lung problems at all then the emotional imbalance should be addressed.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Children's Problems

This is a vast subject covering many issues that range from acute infections to more serious long term problems such as autism and the like. Obviously there is no single treatment process and it depends on the condition and the child. However a number of things can be said in general:

  • children are less toxic than adults so in general their vitality and powers of recuperation are greater

  • children are more open beings, emotionally, physically, and spiritually

  • the downside to this is that they are more vulnerable to intangible factors such as emotional tension or conflict

  • the upside is that “informational” medicine such as homeopathy is ideal since infants respond to it much better than adults

Although it is true that their vitality is higher than their parents or adults in general, it must also be accepted that they suffer from the ill-effects of the indulgences of their forebears. Therefore in our contemporary environment that promotes poor lifestyle choices, ruinous nutrition, and toxicity etc.. as each new generation arrives their capacity for health is at a lower level than previous ones. Thus we are seeing cancer occurring at younger and younger ages and the exponential growth of autism and other mental problems.

Since the child’s relationship with his or her parents or siblings and or friends can be critical to the problem, these influences should never be ignored.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!


Colds & Flus

Another common myth is the belief that the simple presence of infectious agents automatically leads to disease.

If someone has a strong immune system and good overall health, colds and flu’s are a very rare occurrence. Maybe once in two or three years it can happen that something lasts more than a couple of hours or causes recognisable symptoms such as fatigue or the usual respiratory symptoms.

So colds and flu’s which last longer or occur more frequently are a clear sign of a weak immune system. So in addition to helping to alleviate the acute problem itself, the objective should be to build the body’s capacity to withstand the presence of the micro-organisms.

It is very important that we are exposed to infectious agents throughout childhood and adult life. This keeps the immune system well exercised and “on its toes”. This can only be a positive experience if we have a strong basic health and a robust immune system.

So the solution to colds and flu’s is not to avoid exposure to common viruses but to build a strong body which is able to withstand their unwanted attentions. Long term treatment options include:

  • repairing (ie: heal and seal) the gastro-intestinal tract
  • nutrient dense nutrition to make the body strong
  • building the immune system to make it more robust and intelligent
  • identifying any key nefarious influences (toxins etc..) which are disabling the body

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Digestive Problems

Digestive disorders are very common and get worse with age (for the same reasons as those identified above). There are three related factors which predominate in the causation of digestive disorders:

  • bacterial imbalance at any place along the gastro-intestinal tract (from the mouth downwards)
  • insufficient stomach acid
  • enzyme insufficiency

All of these factors need to be addressed in addition to any pathogenic influences weakening the body in general. By the way it is quite possible that there are serious problem in the gut without any obvious symptoms. Many people suffer from “leaky gut” without being aware of it.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!


“TATT” is a synonym for “tired all the time”. If this is what is afflicting you then you have a problem which is severely reducing the quality of your life. The source of the problem could be any one or combination of the following factors:

  • anemia (pernicious or otherwise)
  • hormonal insufficiency (hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal or thyroid)
  • generalised cellular toxicity or dysfunction affecting the mitochondria

Again it’s important to identify what combination of factors underlies the problem. All diseases have systemic components but in the case of fatigue this is especially true.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Headaches & Migraines

These are another very common problem which affects some people frequently and severely. A key factor in this is problems with the regulation of expansion and contraction of arterioles feeding the brain. Spasms or irregularities in the function of the arterial membranes are a common cause of headaches. The source of these could be an allergy or intolerance to something in the blood.

Thus when conditions make these blood vessels more sensitive to these factors or if the blood level of the antigens exceed a certain threshold, then a headache or migraine can ensue.

Other important causative factors include stress and muscular-skeletal or posture imbalances. The first priority is to try and identify the main causative factor. Then we can proceed to build a treatment process to address the underlying imbalance.

Acupuncture is particularly useful for headaches and migraines.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!


This is a vast subject. It is suggested that in one third of couples struggling with fertility issues it is the woman with who has a problem, and one third where the man has the problem and one third where the problem is unidentified.

Regardless of whether the man or the woman have been given the “all clear” on fertility it is best to both partners respectively maximise his and her potential for being fertile.

Once again the same issues as identified in our areas of pathology and dysfunction are at play: toxicity (especially those exogenous chemicals which have a disturbing influence on the endocrine or hormonal system of the body), poor diet and lifestyle practises, infections, etc…

Acupuncture again is particularly useful in helping with female fertility problems.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!



There are a quite a few possible reasons for insomnia to occur. The main ones would be worry and stress, contraindicated lifestyle and especially overly wakeful evening practises, the electromagnetic environment of the bedroom, and hormonal (ie: melatonin/serotonin) imbalances.

Once again acupuncture has proven very successful in helping patients have a good night’s sleep. In fact many patients who have acupuncture for a completely different complaint come back saying that during the night of the first treatment they experienced their best sleep in a long time.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Muscular Skeletal Problems

When dealing with sports injuries most people would think of physiotherapists or chiropractors or osteopaths. However acupuncture once again is an excellent adjunctive or even stand alone treatment for many muscular-skeletal problems – especially those involving long term pain where healing has been incomplete.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Sinus Problems

The sinuses offer an excellent environment (ie: moist and remote from the blood and still partially closed off from the air) for infectious agents to multiply and colonise.

Therefore both acute and chronic sinus problems point towards the need to identify and address those infectious agents at cause and likely toxic layers that support their continued existence.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Skin Problems

We treat various skin conditions / problems, including:

  • Acne,
  • Cold sores,
  • Eczema,
  • Fungal Infections,
  • Psoriasis,
  • Rosecea,
  • Warts.

The skin is the organ of the body with the widest surface area. It is an organ of elimination and although impervious to water, it does allow lipids (eg: body creams) to permeate past the outer layer of dead cells.

Where systemic toxicity is prevalent, this organ of elimination can become overburdened as an “over flow” for body waste products. For example in acne, there is often a problem with over consumption of sugar. This excess sugar sets up a situation where infectious agents accumulate together which can combine in those with a possible tendency for male hormones to predominate so as to produce acne.

Clearly many sudden skin reactions are allergic in origin whereas others may be related to food intolerances and so are not so obvious. Skin problems can be very difficult to clear possibly because the skin would be a lower priority organ than many of the more key, internal organs such as the liver, lungs, heart, brain etc… Since dysfunction does not directly threaten the viability of the body there is no critical imperative to heal.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!


Smoking Cessation

Addiction of any kind involves emotional and psychological factors which need to be addressed in conjunction with more body orientated therapies. Once again acupuncture has proven very successful in helping people give up smoking.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Sports Injuries

When dealing with sports injuries most people would think of physiotherapists or chiropractors or osteopaths. However acupuncture once again is an excellent adjunctive or even stand alone treatment for many muscular-skeletal problems – especially those involving long term pain where healing has been incomplete.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Stress Management

Acupuncture can be combined with reiki, reflexology, and aromatherapy to alleviate stress. Many patients report that after a combination of these treatments, they leave the clinic stress free and completely relieved at least in the short term.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Weight Problems

We have various treatments for the following:

  • Anorexia,
  • Insufficient Weight,
  • Obesity.

The modern diet where carbo-hydrates predominate is almost guaranteed to cause excess weight gain. Is it any wonder that over 80% of those over 50 are either overweight or even obese? Obesity is now becoming a childhood problem that never existed before.

Therefore the first objective should be not to change the amount of food eaten but the QUALITY of the food. With a healthy diet of nutrient dense food there is a natural tendency to feel satiated after a much smaller amount of food carrying far less empty “carbs” that are the main culprit in obesity.

Another vital component is bringing consciousness to bear in food planning, meal times, and the act of eating itself. The more this takes place, the less tendency there is to make unthinking, poor food choices and a much greater chance that with every meal you are listening to the natural, internal signals of satiety.

Quality of food involves three aspects:

  • firstly, you should buy whole foods that you prepare,
  • secondly, focus on foods that offer a high quality combination of fat and protein, and
  • thirdly, as much as possible, select organic produce which is free of additives, pesticides and other toxic chemicals

Some very important points to remember:

  1. DO NOT measure the calorific contact of your foods
  2. DO NOT engage in any commercially offered, calorie restrictive diets

Both of these endeavours will lead to tears and desperation.

In many people food habits are addictive and this emotional aspect of the problem needs to be acknowledged and addressed.

Finally, I offer a few words regarding exercise. Exercise alone will not reverse weight problems . However exercise is vitally important for all us. So if you are not exercising now, you need to add some exercise into your life (as we all do). However this exercise should be appropriate to your level of health and above all it should be enjoyable. Nothing that relies on will power alone will last beyond the first flush of enthusiasm.

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Womans Problems

We treat various conditions including:

  • Cystitis,
  • Fibrocystic Breasts,
  • Fibroids,
  • Loss of libido,
  • Menopause,
  • Menstrual Irregularities,
  • PCOS,
  • PMT

The list of women’s problems is long and their presentation can be complex and difficult to treat. However it is important to remember that the same causative factors at play in the other diseases listed above are also behind these health issues (ie: environmental toxicity, poor lifestyle and diet, opportunistic infections, chronic over-exposure to manmade EMFs, and iatrogenic toxicity).

Check out our price-list or for more information regarding various treatments, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you!