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ARTICLE – Superfood Suggestions for Vegetarians

The list given below (not necessarily in order of importance) would not be my own personal listing because it excludes meat (especially organ meats from grass fed, organic, free range animals) and fish which I believe are among the very best foods you can eat. Vegetables are essentially cleansing foods whereas animal foods are primarily building foods. A discerning combination of the two is the secret to an ideal diet. Almost no ancestral diet eaten by indigenous peoples and that sustains truly vibrant health is bereft of either food source. The challenge for vegetarians is that they need their diet to provide enough saturated fats, minerals, fat soluble vitamins (D, A, and K), vitamin B12, certain minerals such as iron and zinc, and cholesterol which are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL for health. All of these nutrients are to be found abundantly in animal foods so excluding these sets anyone at a disadvantage from the start. In general I recommend the dietary guidelines of the Weston A Price Foundation (Google for web site) and where these do not clash with a vegetarian diet, I suggest that you follow these practises as much as possible. I do not hold much store by eating a lot of foods raw. The best foods to eat raw are those that make up the traditional salads (lettuce, tomatoes, beetroots, carrots, etc..). The worst foods to eat raw are pulses (beans etc..) and brassica vegetables (broccoli etc) since they are full of anti-nutrient phytates which steal essential minerals from being absorbed in the gastro-intestinal tract. For example the highly regarded food, spinach, contains a lot of phytate and although...