EVENT — Peru Trip, Oct / Nov 2014, “A Soul Journey of a Lifetime”


Roberto Flores Solis and his fellow shamans also lead journeys of the soul to the Sacred Sites of Peru. Discover your greater self in the wonders of Mother Nature. This life changing experience of cosmic medicine awaits you in the jungle or in the mountains of mystical Peru. This is a time of great change in our planet. Never before has it been more important for us to join together into a greater consciousness that encompasses the unfolding of the now and the legacy of Indigenous Wisdom.

Expand your heart and expand your consciousness to a greater reality with the help of Sacred Plant Medicine in the care of Indigenous masters. These are both physical and personal, spiritual journeys led by experienced and loving wise men – the Peruvian shamans or wisdom-keepers. Plant medicine is an ancient and sacred tradition of inward journeying that helps us on our spiritual path. Walk with us and rediscover the magic of Peru and of who you really are.

This is your opportunity to join us in a unique healing experience in the mountains and jungle of Peru. Led by Roberto Flores Solis and Maestro Panduro, and other spiritual teachers, we will be following a Sacred Path that leads us as a group into the wonders of Peru, and for each individual, to his or her own journey of Self-Healing.

From Oct 25th until Nov 8th, the itinerary covers 15 days of experiencing sacred sites and the power of Peruvian plant medicine. For more information contact Leonor Espinosa 086 190 8556


PROGRAMME – ‘Knowing Our Sacred Nature’

Lima -Qosqo (Cusco): Welcoming ceremony and giving gratitude to be received in the sacred sites and spaces that we will travel.

Reception at Qosqo airport and transport to the hotel to rest, and to get used to the altitude. During the afternoon we will perform the ceremony of “the Sacred Offering/Despacho and Offering to Pacha Mama= Mother Earth”, to give gratitude to be welcomed in Cuzco Sacred Spaces, Sacred Valley, Puno and Maldonado Harbour. Included:

  • Domestic Flights,
  • Private Transport from airport to the hotel in Cuzco,
  • All the products for the elaboration of our offering,
  • Spiritual Instructor,
  • Official Guide
  • Translator of Tourism.
  • Not Included: Lunch or Dinner
Cuzco – Puma: Qori Kancha, Saqsaywamán, Balance Temple,- Great Mother Temple, – Qenqo, – Cuzco.

( First encounter with Cosmic Medicine Apu Wachuma (el abuelito San Pedrito ) After breakfast we shall meet and connect with: “Qosqo/ Cuzco City of the Inka Puma”: most important Inka Temples etc. street, markets, squares, etc. Then we will travel and connect with the “Head of Cuzco Puma” in Saqsaywamán.

From there we will move onto the Balance Temple (Temple of the Monkeys), where we will go deeply in our journey of our Own Self Confidence to travel to the Point of the Light: Hatum Mama Wasi = Temple of the Great Mother, for a deep relaxation in the Womb of the Maternity Temple: (Cosmic Mother, Mother Nature, Mother Earth and Mother Moon) to be part of the rebirth, in the deep service of Unconditional Love, then we will travel to Qengo “Temple of the Three Worlds, to revitalise and harmonise the 3 Fundamental Bodies and to be able to practice the Free choice to Self Healing, and Free Self Acceptance as The New Seeds of the New Humanity in this New Era.


  • Breakfast,
  • Accommodation in Cuzco,
  • Private Transport,
  • Visits to the sacred places,
  • Ritual with Sacred Medicine,
  • Spiritual guide,
  • Guide/official translator.
  • Not Included: Lunch or Dinner
Cuzco – Pisaq Inka – Temple of the Toads, or Prosperity and Abundance – Yucay Ancestral Belts, Paradises full of Peace – Urubamba Suntur Wasi – Ollantaytambo.

After breakfast we will travel to “Pisaq – Inka” to connect with the “Mountain of the Condor and Freedom” to do the Transit of Liberation of fear, pain, suffering and doubts from the past, and the liberation of internal and external limitations, guilty feelings, through the Fields of Power and Wisdom from the Astronomy Observartory of Pisaq. Then we continue to the “Waka of the Toad”: (Temple of the Prosperity , Abundance and Fertility), and then we arrive at Yucay to connect with the Structure of Andean Paradisiac Belts to continue to the sacred space of symbols and designs. “Suntur Wasi”, (Great Temple of the Sacred Incan Emblems and Sacred Symbols).


  • Breakfast,
  • Accommodation in Urubamba,
  • Private transport for our route,
  • Access to the visiting places,
  • Spiritual instructor,
  • Guide/official translator.
  • Not Included: Lunch or Dinner
Urubamba – Pachar Temple of the South Cross – Ollantaytambo (Tree of the New Life)

Second Meeting with the Cosmic Medicine of Apu Wachuma (Grand Father San Pedrito) Followed by breakfast we travel to Pachar, to ascend slowly by the thousand stone steps to reach the Temple of the Andean Cross or ” Chacana, to continue to Ollantaytambo and towards the Sacred Space. “The Tree of Life”, this is a powerful field of more than 600 hectares (including amazing structures which are gigantic and amazing constructions, where the seasonal changes can be observed (Solstices, Equinoxes). All these astronomic phenomenons can be observed with total precision right now.

  • Entry to the Corn City = Tampu Kiru.
  • Contemplation of the Cosmic Reflex of the Constellation “Sideral Flame: Katachillay”.
  • Deep Contact with the biggest Sacred Space in America, dedicated to the Four Elements: Earth =Pacha Mama, Water = Unu, Fitr = Nina, and Air =Wayra. Relaxation y meditatio with “Tunupa” = Andean Christ, from the Temple of the Kuntur = Cóndor.

*We spend the night in the town of Ollantaytambo


  • Breakfast,
  • Accommodation in Ollantaytambo,
  • Private transport during the journey,
  • Entry to the visiting places,
  • Ritual with the Sacred Medicine,
  • Spiritual instructor,
  • Tourist guide/official translator.
  • Not Included: Lunch or Dinner
Ollantaytambo – Machupijchu

We will wake up early that morning, then we will travel by train, to direct ourselves to the town of Aguas Calientes to continue towards Sacred city to the Great cosmic encountering with the Condor City, Cristal City, and City of Offerings. After walking through the most idyllic places ever imagined, we will contemplate the Old Secret City = Mayor Oracle of the Virgins Father Sun and Mother Moon: (profits, astronomers, mathematicians, craftsmen and healers); in this way we will reintegrate with Machupichu. There we will have the whole day to appreciate and enjoy the beauty and mysteries of Machupichu, in an experience never before imagined. Then we will take the bus to come back to Aguas Calientes.

* Night stay in Aguas Calientes.


  • Breakfast,
  • Staying in Machupicchu,
  • Truistic train,
  • Bus to reach the cit of Machupicchu,
  • Entry to the sacred sites that we will visit,
  • Spiritual guide,
  • Official tourism translator,
  • Lunch.
  • Not Included: Dinner
Machupicchu – Mandor – Ollantaytambo.

After breakfast we will travel to the beautiful Waterfalls of Mandor where we will make the connection and purification with the Sacred Element of Water, (APU UNU), and then in the afternoon we will take the train to return to Ollantaytambo.


  • Breakfast,
  • Accommodation in Ollantaytambo,
  • Private transport,
  • Entry to the those powerful sacred sites,
  • Spiritual guide,
  • Official tourism translator.
  • Not Included: Lunch or Dinner.
Ollantaytambo – Maras – Moray – Sincheroq – Qosqo.

After breakfast we will travel by bus towards Moray: “Mountain of the Infinity Symbol”; where we can find enormous platforms built under the earth, agricultural laboratories, built by the genetic andean engineers and Powerful Fields, in order to reconnect with Eternity and the Infinity. Then we will go the Maras Saline Mines: Mountain of the Eye of the Mother Earth, for a practice of “Renovation of the Engagement of Mother Earth and then continue to Sincheroq, Sacred Space of the Service of Mother for those whose Soul are too big (those Initiated of Great Spirit), and then finally to return to Cuzco in the afternoon.


  • Breakfast,
  • Accommodation in Ollantaytambo,
  • Private transport,
  • Entry to powerful sites, that we will visit.
  • Spiritual Instructor,
  • Guide/official translator of tourism.
  • Not Included: Lunch or Dinner.
Qosqo – Tipon – Raqchi – Tinajani.

Third encountering with the Cosmic Medicine of Apu Wachuma. (the Grand Father San Pedrito). Very early after breakfast we will go to Tipon Sacred Temple of the Water Element to arrive to Raqchi (Major Temple of Wiraqocha) where we will perform the Ceremony of the Cosmic Weaver”. Then we will make a deep connection with the Great Wiraqocha, to follow to Sicuani to have a enjoyable and pleasurable lunch (at your expense) and after continuing to Tinajani to connect with Vortex Portals “ ACASHICOS Registers” (Depot of Cosmic Wisdom). During the night we have another encounter with the Cosmic Medicine of Apu Wachuma. Tent Camp in Tinan Yanin


  • Tent camp in Tinan Yanin, double occupation, kitchen area, dinning, Matraz, sleeping bags, cook for dinner and lunch.
  • Private transport during our travels,
  • Entry fee to the powerful sites that we will visit,
  • Instructor espiritual, guide/official tourist translato,
  • Breakfast,
  • Lunch,
  • Dinner,
  • Ritual with the Sacred Medicine. con la Medicina sagrada.
Tinajani – Piquillaqta – Cuzco.

After a good breakfast, we will return to Piquillaqta to connect with the Pre Inka city, planning and organisers of the cities, and then we will return to Cuzco.


  • Breakfast,
  • Accommodation,
  • Private transport for our journeys,
  • Entry fee to those sacred places that we will visit,
  • Spiritual instructor,
  • Guide/official tourism translator,
  • Lunch.
  • Not Included: Dinner.
Cuzco – Puerto Maldonado (by airplane)

During the night: First encounter with Grand Mother Ayahuasca

Arrival to the City of Biodiversity of Per, Harbour Maldonado diver – welcome and reception at the airport. Our tour starts with the travel of the city in our bus. Then we will go to Cnos to the harbour of Capitanía to get on board through the River Mother of Good, during this trip we will submerge in a natural environment where we will observe the ronsoco, caimans, turtles, cormoranes, and other animal species. Arrival to the Eco-Amazonian Lodge, an exquisite welcoming drink, accommodation in our bungalows and lunch.


  • Breakfast,
  • Accommodation,
  • Domestic flights,
  • Private transport during our journeys,
  • Ceremony Teacher with Grand Mother Ayahuasca (Teacher Panduro),
  • Spiritual instructor,
  • Official guide and translator,
  • Lunch,
  • Dinner.
Puerto Maldonado

Day 2: Encounter with Medicine of Ayahuasca COCHA PERDIDA

After breakfast we will initiate an adventure in the virgen jungle, accompanied by a local guide. This is followed by long walks of total inmersion to arrive to Cocha Perdida, that constitutes an ecosystem of refuge and nourishment of an immense biodiversity. There is also the possibility of observing otters, alligators, turtles, sachavacas, birds with multicolor feathers, the incredible jaguar and big variety of fishes. This area or zone is unique and the only one that belongs to the Eco-Amazonia, and the only one that remains intact, with big lakes and different water places.

Then we will arrive to the extraordinary Amazonian Mirador from where we will appreciate the magic of the jungle, also a very enjoyable walk by canoe along the Lake. Return to the place of accommodation. Lunch. In the afternoon we will have an optional visit to the Botanical Gardens. Enjoy the option of a swimming in the amazonian pool. Return and dinner. Primer: Purification Baths Purificación with native herbs.


  • Breakfast,
  • Accommodation,
  • Teacher of Ceremony and purification with native plants (Maestro Panduro),
  • Spiritual guide,
  • Official tourism translator,
  • Lunch,
  • Dinner.
Puerto Maldonado

During the night; Second Encounter with Grand-Mother Ayahuasca.

Day 3: LAKE APU VICTOR. We will wake up listening to the beautiful songs from the birds, then breakfast. Then we will initiate our journey with a long walk deep intothe forest, through the “trochas”, specially prepared with bridges to cross the ravines. During the walk we will observe the Cave of Caimans(Alligators). Continuing up to reach the majestic Lake of APU VICTOR, with crystalline waters, surrounded by big reservoirs and gigantic trees. Later we will climb to the Amazonian Balcony, from which we will enjoy the beautiful panoramic view of the lake, observing parrots, orb macaws, toucans, camungo, shanshos, herons, and turtles and we are lucky one of the most spectacular animals from the jungle, the gigantic otter, after several hours we will come back to the hostal and dinner.


  • Breakfast, Accommodation,
  • Ceremony Teacher of Grand Mother Ayahuasca (Panduro Teacher),
  • Spiritual instructor,
  • Guide/official tourism translator,
  • Lunch,
  • Dinner.
Puerto Maldonado

Second: Purification Bath with native plants


First breakfast, and afterwards we will go on another excursion through the magic of the jungle. We will cross the river Mother of God, and then a walk with the direction of the River GAMITANA/BRIOLO; that originates from the core of the virgin jungle. Along its impressive winding, form through extensive and navigable channels we will be travelling with canoes appreciating nearby animals such as turtles, caimans, birds and a great variety of insects. We could also practice fishing and swimming in its waters. Afterwards we return to the hostel and have dinner.


  • Breakfast,
  • Accommodation,
  • Purification Teacher of Ceremony with native plants (Panduro Teacher),
  • Spiritual instructor,
  • Guide/official translator of tourism,
  • Lunch,
  • Dinner.
Puerto Maldonado

During the night: Third Gathering with Grand Mother Ayahuasca.

Day 5. In the morning a visit to the island of the Monkeys, accompanied by our specialised guide of the island, we will visit the first and only place in the heart of the the river Mother of God: Monkey Island (5 minutes of distance from the hostel). During the walk we can observe the extraordinary landscape with its exuberant flora, which shelters inside a variety of monkeys in this natural habitat, this includes animals such as maquisapas, capuchins, small lion monkeys, puffins, cotos, and also another species such as the coati, lazy bears, and great variety of birds. We will complete the journey on the island by enjoying the sunset. This twilight is the most incredible experience in the jungle. Afterwards we will return to the hostel and to complete the day we will enjoy a wonderful dinner.


  • Breakfast,
  • Accommodation,
  • Teacher of the Ceremony with the Grand Mother Ayahuasca (Teacher Panduro),
  • Spiritual instructor,
  • Guide/official tourism translator,
  • Lunch,
  • Dinner.
Puerto Maldonado

A day to meditate in our process during the whole trip para Meditar nuestros procesos de todo el viaje



  • Breakfast,
  • Accommodation,
  • Master of Ceremony to perform the bath with flowers of the New Life (Maestro Panduro),
  • Spiritual instructor,
  • Guide/official translator,
  • Lunch,
  • Dinner.
Puerto Maldonado – Lima


  • Breakfast,
  • Accommodation,
  • Domestic flights,
  • Private transport,
  • Spiritual instructor,
  • Guide/ official translator.
  • Not Included: Lunch or Dinner
  • End of our services.

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