Shaman Don Victor visits Dublin – November 2014

Don Victor Estrada is an Andean shaman and a world renowned teacher of the ancient wisdom of Peru. He comes from a thousand year lineage and travels the world acting as a channel for  healing. Leonor & Kevin have organised a number of exciting events with him in Dublin from November 13th-17th:

Don Victor Estrada

An evening with Don Victor | Buddhabag Meeting

Thursday November 13th, 7.45 pm

Fee: 15
Venue: The Buddha Bag Meeting, The Hampton Hotel, 19-29 Morehampton Road

One Day Intensive workshop with Don
Victor | Dunderry Park

Saturday November 15th, 10am-6pm

Fee: 120e (including Lunch & Tea breaks)
Venue: Dunderry Park, Co. Meath

Individual Healing sessions with Don Victor | Healthworks Clinic

November 14th/16th/17th

Fee: Individual Sessions 90e | Couples 120e
Venue: Healthworks Clinic, Portmarnock

Bookings: Kevin at 086 811 7605 or email:

“If we’re willing, then we open our natural abilities of self-healing. We’re our own medicine…our own doctor. You have to make the effort. That’s why we say, ‘Traveler, there is no path.’ You make the path as you walk…with every step…every breath…every heartbeat.” ~ Don Victor Estrada

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